Every year in November a special
invitation goes out to a limited number of individuals for the annual
birthday bash of Kitchener’s oldest German community club. We have been
going to this event for many years now, and admire tremendously the
dedication and efforts that go into keeping this club a viable and vibrant
Always after arrival there is a welcoming committee taking
care of all the guests. Refreshments await the wary traveller - we come from
Toronto - until it is time to sit down for dinner, which is always a
delicious affair. We were informed that a past chef had returned from
working in a hotel to take charge of the Concordia Club’s kitchen once
again. All concurred, the food was delicious and plentiful.
Soon after that
the by now familiar voice of Sarah Allmendinger began introducing the guest
of honour, past presidents, and the many people that were to be
honoured for
their long term dedication and memberships: 10 years, 25 years and 40 years,
of which there were 14 this year. There even was one 50 year long member,
Jack Kentel.
much-admired Concordia Men’s Choir under Dr. Alfred Kunz was called on to
make a musical contribution just before the big secret was revealed on who
would become this year's Honorary Member.
The Concordia Choir |

From the many possible choices Wilma Schmidt was the happy recipient. She
posed tirelessly for the many photos that were taken.
Honorary member, Wilma
Schmidt |
Of course a new board of directors was sworn in
again in March, and
it appears not all that much changed since last year. Werner Schlueter gets
to oversee again a very willing group of people that is enthusiastic about
keeping the German heritage alive in its region. The Concordia Club is a
major player among the many existing organisations that have enriched KW’s
cultural menu. As long as the membership is growing with young people there
will be many celebrations yet to be held.
Personalities we met
Werner & Angela Schlüter |
Paul Tuerr congratulates Robert
Huschka (l.) |
Danuta Grigaitis (l.) |
Sarah Allmendinger & company |
Maria & Robert Huschka |
Claudia & Peter Schöppke |
Sybille with the
Wettlaufers & the Kreitzers |
The Euro Connection |
The party ended with dancing to the music of the Euro
Connection and we made our way back to Toronto, or so we thought. This time
it took more than a bit over an hour to get home. It took us 4 long hours.
For some unknown reason we were rerouted together with hundreds of trucks
into a darkness off the highway, driving in walking tempo in a void for what
seemed to be forever. The many lights of Toronto were indeed a welcome sight
after a long time on unlit side roads.
This little adventure will serve to never let me forget the
133th birthday bash of the Concordia Club in Kitchener.
Until next time
Sybille Forster-Rentmeister
Comments to: sfr@echoworld.com